- Overview
- Plot
- Relationships
- Gallery
Noriyuki Yamaguchi is a former student at Kyoto Fushimi High School and was a member of the Kyoto Fushimi High Bicycle Racing Club, serving as its vice-captain and ace sprinter during the storyline's second year.
Noriyuki is recognizable by the freckles sprinkled across his cheeks. His hair is short and black, and he has thick eyebrows. His eyes are a dark indigo color.
Noriyuki is rather quiet, enduring, and friendly. He avoids being in the frontline and the one who gets the most attention and likes to be in the background. Despite his attitude of constantly hiding his presence, Noriyuki tends to be a pushover, accepting even requests that he is unsure about or does not like. This is shown when he follows Akira Midousuzi orders that he does not agree with but even so he performs them, doing important roles on his team and doing his best to the point of exhausting himself.
Even by doing what he does not like, Noriyuki demonstrates being a patient person who does not who does not openly complain about his dislikes and holds the frustation to himself. He only gets really angry after being pressured enough to the point of even complaining and openly saying he does not like some action. When he loses his mental barriers, Noriyuki does what he thinks it is right in order to reach the team goals and does not complain internally and externally about doing some important task, becoming someone straightforward.
When he fails to attend someone's request, Noriyuki gets frustrated and tends to blame himself for not achieving it, even if he is not directly responsible for it.
Skills and Techniques[]
Since his first year at high school, Noriyuki demonstrated having a good capacity at sprinting due to the strength on his legs and hips he developed at middle school, when he used to play basketball. He was praised by Koutarou Ishigaki for his endurance on the flats and eventually became a regular member of the notorious high school club from his prefecture, representing them in national level.
As a third year, Noriyuki develops more resistance on his legs and manages to endure Akira's rigorous orders. He is noted by Kazuho Funatsu to be excellent at pulling, exercising a solid sense of stability while doing so. This strength is also noted to be somewhat of a hidden ability, as Kazuho also states he's never seen it before. He compares Noriyuki's sudden development as a sprinter to a wild cherry tree quietly coming into bloom during spring.
- The name Noriyuki means "chronicle" (紀) (nori) and "this" (之) (yuki).
- Noriyuki's surname Yamaguchi means "mountain, hill" (山) (yama) and "mouth, entrance" (口) (kuchi/guchi).
- Hobbies
- Dislikes
- Being told to do the impossible.
- Being at the front due to his introverted personality.
- Misc
- When in a bind, he chants the school song.
- While on anime he was shown riding an Anchor bicycle race, in the Chapter 433 it was revealed that his bike is a Panasonic one.
- His voice actor, Katsuhiro Tokuishi, also voices Satozaki and Yanagida and Hirata.
- In the anime's fifth season, he replaced Yusaku Urakubo and Shigenori Niwazuma scenes in the manga and raced against Junta Teshima and Hajime Aoyagi in the 42nd Summer Inter High's bridge on the third day.