Yowamushi Pedal Go!! Wiki
Yowamushi Pedal Go!! Wiki

Nobuyuki Mizuta is a former student at Kyoto Fushimi High School and was a member of the Kyoto Fushimi High Bicycle Racing Club, serving as its captain during the storyline's second year.


Nobuyuki has light brown hair and dark blue eyes. During his first year at high school he had misaligned teeth and a hairstyle similar to Hirokazu Yasu's one, the captain of the team he admired and wanted to be like. Starting on his second year, he got braces on his teeth and changed his hairstyle similar to Koutarou Ishigaki's one because he wanted to be like him after Hirokazu's graduation. At some point after Akira Midousuzi entered the club, Nobuyuki changed his hairstyle once again and shaved his hair. At the end of his second year, his hair grew slightly in volume.


Nobuyuki has a tendency to imitate the people he looks up to in appearance and mannerisms, and strives to win their recognition. He prides himself on being Akira's underling, following every order, and easily believes false praise used to manipulate him because of his desire for recognition. Nobuyuki also picked up on Akira's rude and cruel means of mocking and talking down to other teams.

Skills and Techniques[]

Nobuyuki alwas stood out in Kyoto Fushimi and was known for having good legs, becoming quickly a regular in his high school team during his first year. With the arrival of Akira Midousuzi and the change of Kyoto Fushimi's strategies and practices, Nobuyuki was capable endure his orders and keep up with the team rigorous pacing. During his third year, Nobuyuki did develop even more his legs as an all rounder and managed to directly bear even more Akira's rigorous orders as his assist.

Known Personal Achievements[]

Year Race Placement Repesenting Team
Year 1 41st Summer Inter High ? Kyoto Fushimi


  • The name Nobuyuki means "trust, believe" (信) (nobu) and "row, line" (行) (yuki).
  • Nobuyuki's surname Mizuta means "water" (水) (mizu) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta).


  • According to Puchitto Racers, he was a sprinter during his second year. However, in the fanbooks, he is shown during his third year as an all-rounder (?). Given the fanbook's official information, it is not known if he is still a sprinter or if he became a questionable all-rounder in his previous high school years.
  • Can do a backflip.
  • During his high school he wanted to be Kyoto Fushimi's Ace.
  • Currently undergoing orthodontic treatment.