Yowamushi Pedal Go!! Wiki
Yowamushi Pedal Go!! Wiki
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— Hajime Aoyagi

Hajime Aoyagi  is a former student at Sohoku High School and was a member of the Sohoku High Bicycle Racing Club, serving as its vice captain during the storyline's second year. Despite not able to join the Inter High team during his first and second years, he became a regular during his third year and was able to complete the training camp, ensuring his spot on the race for the first time.


As a second-year student and earlier, Hajime is depicted with short, straight brown hair that covers one eye. Hajime's eyes have been colored both gold and blue in the manga. In the anime, his eyes are black without detail until the movie, where he's given brown eyes. Hajime is often seen wearing clothes with an exclamation mark on them.

In the manga, when he becomes a third year after the first Inter High, he is drawn with shoulder-length dark blond hair.


In season 5: He admitted to being a gloomy person. He is usually silent and only speaks when necessary. Even if he rarely speaks, he thinks a lot and cares a great deal about his friends and teammates. He is particularly close to Junta Teshima and Jin Tadokoro, his mentor, but he is shown to be friendly with all the Sohoku members after his defeat in the Training Camp. He's even more friendly in his third year, where he opens up more socially. He seems to have developed a closer relationship with Shoukichi Naruko since they are both sprinters, and with his fellow third-year Kimitaka Koga. Hajime even refers to the team as a "six-man-team". Also, he developed a curious mentor-apprentice relationship with his rookie and first-year Issa Kaburagi which he uses messages written in a role to teach and develop on him cycling improvements based on what he learned during his three years at the club.

Skills and Techniques[]

Hajime starts out as a fairly strong cyclist, but still in the realm of "average," which is why Junta devises plans to make the best of their combined skills. it was later revealed that his cycling philosophy was drastically after joining Sohoku and meeting Junta and Jin. Before, Hajime thought he could practice alone and just go full power for as long as he could.

Junta and Hajime both have far better-developed leg muscles as they trained hard after being scratched from the 41st Inter High. After that, when they were named as Captain and Vice Captain, they took out the sprint race by brute force over the first years.


Hajime's version of the "Human Bullet".

During their third year in high school, Hajime and Junta practice working separately in preparation for their different roles. Hajime follows in Jin's footsteps, becoming a sprinter and developing his own version of Jin's style. He sucks in a lot of air, making his body appear much rounder than it usually is, which gives him a burst of speed, known as "Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet Aoyagi Train". The drawback for Hajime is that it is not good for final sprints because this technique is only useful for pulling teammates.


Hajime's "Bambi Style" technique.

Hajime also develops an original technique called "Bambi Style" which involves concentrating his energy in his thighs. By doing so, he can ride in a higher cadence, and can accelerate faster in corners. However, as this technique is used for final sprints, it cannot be sustained for more than 150m.

He also developed "Fake Launch" by accelerating behind Junta to give opponents the impression that he'd launch him to the finish, masking his teammate's weakness as a climber.

Hajime demonstrates how his physical endurance and resilience has also improved drastically during the inter high, as he brought back Issa to the team during the second day and by pulling Junta back from the back of the team and pulling Sohoku while riding with an injured knee on the third day, till their objective of reaching Hakone was finally accomplished.

Known Personal Achievements[]

Year Race Placement Repesenting Team
1 Year Pre-Series Chiba Prefecture Rookie Road Race 1st Sohoku
1 Year Pre-Series ? 1st Sohoku
1 Year Pre-Series ? 1st Sohoku
1 Year Pre-Series ? 1st Sohoku
1 Year Pre-Series ? 1st Sohoku
Year 1 Bay Coast Criterium Race 3rd Sohoku
Year 2 42nd Inter High Qualifiers 5th Sohoku


  • The name Hajime means "one" (一).
  • Hajime's surname Aoyagi means "blue, green" (青) (ao), "eight" (八) (ya) and "tree, wood" (木) (ki/gi).


  • Touring art galleries on his days off
  • Plum rice balls[1]
  • Cabbage;
  • Playing DS games;
  • Drawing scenery.
  • Illustration (scored a perfect 5 for his art grade in middle school).
Best Subject
  • Humanities in general.
  • While he has confidence in his stamina, he gets hot easily so is constantly worried that he is unable to pace himself properly.

