Yowamushi Pedal Go!! Wiki
Yowamushi Pedal Go!! Wiki

The Inter High is a yearly race where the cycling clubs of many high schools from around Japan compete to prove themselves the best. You can read more general information about the Inter High event on the Inter High page.


Commentary on the IH route from the Vol. 27.5, scanned and translated by sundry.

The 41st Inter-High was celebrated in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture during Japan Summer, with defending champions Hakone Academy on their home turf. 120 cyclists from different 20 schools participated in the event. It consisted of 3 stages that spanned over 3 days: August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Known Participants[]

     Ace     Ace Assistant     Sprinter     Climber     All-Rounder      Unknown

(Kanagawa) Hakone Academy
#𝟚 #𝟛 #𝟜 #𝟝 #𝟞
(Okinawa) Yaeyama Academy
#𝟙𝟚 #𝟙𝟛 #𝟙𝟜 #𝟙𝟝 #𝟙𝟞
(Nara) Nara Sanri Academy
#𝟚𝟚 #𝟚𝟛 #𝟚𝟜 #𝟚𝟝 #𝟚𝟞
(Hiroshima) Hiroshima Kureminami Tech High School
#𝟛𝟚 #𝟛𝟛 #𝟛𝟜 #𝟛𝟝 #𝟛𝟞
(Aichi) Kounan High School
#𝟜𝟚 #𝟜𝟛 #𝟜𝟜 #𝟜𝟝 #𝟜𝟞
(Kumamoto) Kumamoto Daiichi High School
#𝟝𝟚 #𝟝𝟛 #𝟝𝟜 #𝟝𝟝 #𝟝𝟞
(Nagano) Nagano Chuuou Tech High School
#𝟞𝟚 #𝟞𝟛 #𝟞𝟜 #𝟞𝟝 #𝟞𝟞
(Yamanashi) Shunsei Academy
#𝟟𝟚 #𝟟𝟛 #𝟟𝟜 #𝟟𝟝 #𝟟𝟞
(Fukuoka) Jounan High School
#𝟠𝟚 #𝟠𝟛 #𝟠𝟜 #𝟠𝟝 #𝟠𝟞
(Kyoto) Kyoto Fushimi High School
#𝟡𝟚 #𝟡𝟛 #𝟡𝟜 #𝟡𝟝 #𝟡𝟞
(Hokkaido) Hokkaido Obihiro High School
#𝟙𝟘𝟚/𝟙𝟘𝟜 #𝟙𝟘𝟛 #𝟙𝟘𝟚/𝟙𝟘𝟜 #𝟙𝟘𝟝 #𝟙𝟘𝟞
(Ishikawa) Kanazawa Misaki Tech High School
#𝟙𝟙𝟚 #𝟙𝟙𝟛 #𝟙𝟙𝟜 #𝟙𝟙𝟝 #𝟙𝟙𝟞
(Yamagata) Yamagata Mogami High School
#𝟙𝟚𝟚 #𝟙𝟚𝟛 #𝟙𝟚𝟜 #𝟙𝟚𝟝 #𝟙𝟚𝟞
(Nagasaki) Yohoku High School
#𝟙𝟛𝟚 #𝟙𝟛𝟛 #𝟙𝟛? #𝟙𝟛? #𝟙𝟛?
(Ehime) Matsuyama Higashi High School
#𝟙𝟜𝟚 #𝟙𝟜𝟛 #𝟙𝟜𝟜 #𝟙𝟜𝟝 #𝟙𝟜𝟞
(Miyazaki) Higashiaya High School
#𝟙𝟝𝟚 #𝟙𝟝𝟛 #𝟙𝟝𝟜 #𝟙𝟝𝟝 #𝟙𝟝𝟞
(Tokyo) Nishitama Daifuzoku High
#𝟙𝟞𝟚 #𝟙𝟞𝟛 #𝟙𝟞𝟜 #𝟙𝟞𝟝 #𝟙𝟞𝟞
(Chiba) Sohoku High School
#𝟙𝟟𝟚 #𝟙𝟟𝟛 #𝟙𝟟𝟜 #𝟙𝟟𝟝 #𝟙𝟟𝟞
(Osaka) Nandai University Attached
#𝟙𝟠𝟚 #𝟙𝟠𝟛 #𝟙𝟠𝟜 #𝟙𝟠𝟝 #𝟙𝟠𝟞
(Tochigi) Utsunomiya Chuuou High School
#𝟙𝟡𝟚 #𝟙𝟡𝟛 #𝟙𝟡𝟜 #𝟙𝟡𝟝 #𝟙𝟡𝟞
Senbatsu Team
#𝟚𝟘𝟚 #𝟚𝟘𝟛 #𝟚𝟘𝟜 #𝟚𝟘𝟝 #𝟚𝟘𝟞

First Stage[]

The Sohoku team arrives at the first stage of the Inter High. The first year Sakamichi Onoda is amazed at how big the event is and his fellow first year Shoukichi Naruko tries to calm him down. In the end, he fails to do it and the third year Yusuke Makishima manages to calm his freshman by telling him to worry about it after the race starts and that he can recover from every time lost as long as he keeps in his head his main objective. The third year Jin Tadokoro also talks with the second years Junta Teshima and Hajime Aoyagi who are not participating on the race and entrusts them with the role of supplying the participants.

The Sohoku cyclists get their tags and Sakamichi asks Yusuke if they have any meaning. The third year explains to him that the digit on the farthest right is the individual's main number and that the ace's from their respectives teams always wear the one that ends with "1". He also explains that the one and two digits on the left are the teams numbers and they are based on their placement on the previous year's Inter High. He states that due to the fact that the schools participating are not usually the same the ranks are not completely accurate, but there is one that is constantly on the Inter High wearing the same tag numbers, which is the reigning champions Hakone Academy who did won many of the previous editions and are usually wearing the single digit tags.

At the opening ceremony, the whole Hakone team moves to the stage and are presented as the last year's champions, catching the attention of either the spectators and opponents. Sakamichi approaches of the stage and shows to the Hakone's first year Sangaku Manami a bottle which was given by him to the Sohoku cyclist and he asked to give it back at the Inter High. Sangaku gets happy by seeing Sakamichi and gets the phone from the announcer, talking with Sakamichi and confusing the others. Nearby the stage, the Sohoku first year Shunsuke Imaizumi is searching for a cyclist who he raced in the past and lost by a five minute difference, assuming that he is participating of the Inter High aswell. He then hears someone from the Kyoto Fushimi High talking with the announcer and he quickly runs towards the stage, being noticed by Shoukichi. He explains to the announcer about the reason behind his bike being small in order to save weight and he asks for the microphone from him, getting on the stage and declaring that he will defeat Hakone. He presents himself as Akira Midousuzi and states that winning the Inter High will be a stepping stone to reach the world.

Shunsuke approaches the stage and recognizes Akira, confronting him. Akira remembers Shunsuke and provokes him, leaving the Sohoku cyclist angry and even Shoukichi, who tries to defend his teammate. Lately, they're stopped by the third years from Hakone and Sohoku Juichi Fukutomi and Shingo Kinjou respectively, who tells them to solve their problems on the race. Akira agrees and leaves the stage, walking with his team away from it. The third year and captain Koutarou Ishigaki tries to scold him for his actions, but despite Akira recognizing he overdid it he also scolds Koutarou for not calling him with the proper honorifics.

Later, the cyclists move towards the starting line and they prepare themselves to the race. The Sohoku's manager Miki Kanzaki approaches the team and gives them the supplies for the first part of the race. She notices Sakamichi anxious with the race and gets worried about him, but Yusuke tells her to relax and that he will recover once he falls, which happens as they are talking. Miki then approaches Sakamichi and gives him the supplies, asking about his conditions. Sakamichi tells her that he managed to calm down and that he is now excited for being able to ride with his teammates. Moments before the start of the race, Miki tells Sakamichi to enjoy the race as much as he can.

The race starts and the participants start moving together, leaving Sakamichi amazed by the atmosphere. Shunsuke and Shoukichi then explains to their teammate that the first two kilometers are a parade to entertain the spectators before the real race starts. During the parade, Shoukichi tells the other two first years about his desire to finish the goal together with them, which excited Sakamichi and was approved by Shunsuke. The Hakone's first year then goes to behind the pack and meets Sakamichi, challenging him to a race in the mountains which he agrees. Sangaku then returns to his team and shortly after the parade ended after the event's staff waved the white flag in the car that was in front of the cyclists.

Sprinters Checkpoint[]

After the start of the race, many sprinters from different teams leave the pack of cyclists and start going towards the first checkpoint of the race and attempting to win the first color tag. From Sohoku, Jin and Shoukichi leave the team and go after the other cyclists, also wanting to win the sprinter's checkpoint. At Hakone's team, the ace Juichi asks how the second year Touichirou Izumida's condition is and he replies that he is excited and that he intends to give them a big handicap so he can show later how he will dominate the flat stage.

Jin and Shoukichi catches up with the cyclists at the leading group and they get them confused as they are fighting each other instead of working together as a team. The cyclist from Kanazawa Misaki, Yasuyuki Shibata, took advantage of the confusion created by them and performed an attack, going ahead of the others towards the goal. While discussing about who is going to pull for the other, the Sohoku cyclists catch up with Yasuyuki and leaves him behind and shocked with their speed. Lately, Yasuyuki gets once again surprised by someone who catches up and leaves him behind aswell. That person is Touichirou Izumida from Hakone, who easily catches up with the two cyclists of Sohoku and presents himself to them.

Shoukichi challenges Touichirou and both were about to race when Jin stops then and asks the Hakone cyclist why he is not zippering his jersey and why his skills and bad results in the races he heard about does not match. Touichirou explains he was polishing his body for the Inter High and that was the reason he did not perform well in the races he participated, becoming muscle itself. Touichirou accelerates and the two Sohoku cyclists try to catch up with him, and while accelerating Touichirou tells them that he zips his jersey when when he was serious, which was not the case in the moment.

Both Jin and Shoukichi accelerates to catch up with Touichirou. When they are about to get close to him, he asks why they do not team up and that they should have worked together to stop him before reaching the mark of one kilometer remaining, where the tree section is gone and they reach the section with high winds. Touichirou asks if they are hiding something up their sleeves and after they deny his question he tells them that they failed as sprinters, attacking one more time and widening the gap between his opponents. Shoukichi and Jin get worried about it and they keep going after their opponent. Noticing they still are not working together to catch up with him, Touichirou mocks his opponents and slightly laughs thinking about how they failed. He then holds his laugh and tells himself that he will only do it after reaching the checkpoint.

The Sohoku cyclists then decide to ride using all their strength and Shoukichi beings to throw the supplies of his bike and adjust his jersey and hair in order to reduce the weight and the wind resistance, consequently riding faster than before. Jin, on the other hand, starts to deep breath and stock air on his lungs, using it as a fuel to accelerate towards Touichirou. The Hakone cyclist get surprised by their speed and is quickly surpassed by them. Touichirou acknowledges their skills and apologizes for underestimating them, deciding to zip his jersey and ride seriously against the two Sohoku cyclists. While riding, he notices how his pectoral muscles, who he named as Andy and Frank, reacts differently despite training them equally and thinks of how he is glad about how they are performing. Touichirou catches up with them and passes the two cyclists at the mark of 300 meters remaining.

Shoukichi asks if Jin is interested in cooperating with him and the Sohoku's third year denies, saying he is also his opponent. Shoukcihi tells he was aware of it and he just wanted to confirm, going after him along with Jin towards Touichirou. When the two of them manage to catch up with him, the Hakone cyclist compare himself with a sharp and long spear, while the two of them are filthy and short ones, which they disagree. Shoukichi states that he is a flashy bright red spear while Jin states he is a heavy spear that pierces iron plates.

Eventually the three cyclists get neck and neck and they are surprised by a strong wind who knocks some road cones towards them. Thanks to the reflexes of his pectoral muscles, Touichirou instinctively reacts and breaks his bicycle at the right time and, despite losing some time, he manages to avoid a fall and still keep up in the race. However, Touichirou saw his opponents still going forward, ignoring the cones who were on their way only to not lose the momentum just like he did. Touichirou gets shocked with it and is left behind by the two cyclists. Jin races against Shoukichi and ends up defeating his freshman, winning the first part of the first stage.

Known Results[]

Placement Name Number Team Time
1st Jin Tadokoro #172 Sohoku 0
2nd Shoukichi Naruko #174 Sohoku +0:02
3rd Touichirou Izumida #5 Hakone +0:04
4th Yasuyuki Shibata #112 Kanazawa Misaki +4:00

Many cyclists get surprised at Hakone's loss to Sohoku in the Sprinter Checkpoint. While waiting for the pack of cyclists to catch up with them, Jin gives part of his supplies to Shoukichi because he did throw his back then at the end of the race. The other Sohoku members who were watching at the van celebrates Jin's victory with him, specially the former member Toji Kanzaki who was the one responsible to train him during his first year. Touichirou approaches the two cyclists and asks them why they did not try to avoid the cones and they answer that they would lose time. Touichirou tell them how it was dangerous and they were luck that the cones flew instead of being on ground and that could make them they fall, but the two of them answer simultaneously that he should think about it when it happens.

Jin explains to Touichirou that from the moment the pistol fires and the race starts all he wants is to win and he searches for victory in all the situations, given that there is no method for a certain victory. Jin lectures Touichirou about the fact that he focused so much on the Inter High that he did not have enough victories and losses in races, implying he was not experienced enough. Touichirou contests that his body was perfectly fine and he only did lose because they choose not to avoid the cones and it was a coincidence. Jin replies that was not a coincidence and the reason he lost was because he thought he was going to fall while he and Shoukichi thought they could do it, so he did not focus on keep going and overcame this unknown obstacle. After realizing it, Touichirou cries and apologizes to Andy and Frank despite their good work, asking them to rest for a while.

Eventually, all the sprinters return to the pack of cyclists. Yusuke explains to do Sakamichi that they did fill his work as sprinters and now they are going to rest and regroup to prepare the climbers for the next part of the first stage, the mountain checkpoint. Jin and Shoukichi regroups with the Sohoku team and they are praised for their hardwork and the third year's achievement. Sakamichi notices how they are covered in sweat and how they raced for the sake of the team. As they are reaching the mountains, Shingo orders Jin and Shoukichi to rest, Yusuke going after the climber's color tag by winning the checkpoint and Sakamichi to pull the team in the mountains.

Climbers Checkpoint[]

The cyclists start to speed up in the road to give the climbers a good position at the front. Because of a sharp curve at the front, a crash happens and many of the cyclists fall, including Sakamichi who ends up being separated from his team. After the crash, thirteen cyclists decided to drop out of the race and the ones who did not give up yet quickly decided to stand up and chase after the ones who were not involved in it. Sakamichi ends up being in last place and he is asked by a staff member if he intends to withdraw. While preparing himself to chase after the team at the front, the other members who were watching approach him and give him some supplies and cheering words before asking him to catch up to the others.

At the front, the Sohoku cyclists start to panic after seeing Sakamichi along with the team and they confirm he was taken by the crash after seeing the results shown in the board by the staff in the car. Because of it, Yusuke's order was changed and he was selected to pull the team instead of Sakamichi, just like he did in the previous Inter High. The Hakone's third year and ace climber Jinpachi Toudou approaches Yusuke and states about the situation after the pack. He also challenges Yusuke for the race in the race in the mountain, telling how excited he is for it. During their talk, the third year from Nagano Chuuou Motonari Tatebayashi attemps to attack and go after the victory of the checkpoint, but he is quickly suppressed by Jinpachi and his silent climb.

Back at the team, Jinpachi remembers his rivalry with Yusuke of seven wins and losses they have against each other and that this is the last opportunity to settle this. For his surprise, the Sohoku's cyclist reject his challenge and shocks him, surprised at his answer. Jinpachi tries to convince him to go but given his situation after Sakamichi's fall he could not go. As the rest of climbers started to chase after the checkpoint, the Hakone's third year Yasutomo Arakita explains to Jinpachi that Yusuke can not go because they do not have another climber except for him. After hearing this, Jinpachi gets mad at Yusuke and Sohoku and goes by himself afte the checkpoint. Yasutomo praises Yusuke for the decision, saying that if he went after the checkpoint the team would fall apart. Yusuke states that he can still reach Jinpachi if the difference is on the best three minutes and that is the exactly time he will wait Sakamichi to catch up with them.

At the back, Sakamichi manages to pass many of the cyclists who were affected by the crash and moves his way back to the team. During the way, he meets the big pack of cyclists led by Akira, who is willing to not let him go back to his team. They end up racing and Sakamichi manages to leave the Kyoto Fushimi's ace behind. He ends up catching up with the Sohoku team at the mark of exact three minute established by Yusuke and starts to pull the team, as the third year goes finally after Jinpachi.

Despite his bad mood who even is unusual and noticed by his teammates who are watching him, Jinpachi performs well and manages to be in the leading position out of all the climbers that went after the checkpoint. Motonari attemps to catch up with him, but he fails at first. Lately, he starts hearing from the crowd about a cyclist with an unusual cycling style which matches with Yusuke. After looking behind and confirming it is him, Jinpachi gets excited for seeing his rival at the front with him. Motonari took the opportunity to attack and he momentarily pass Jinpachi and leads the race, but he is lately passed by the two cyclists who start their battle to settle their tied score. Yusuke explains to Jinpachi about Sakamichi and how he managed to catch up with the team and the Hakone's climber says that he will thank the first year later for making his wish of racing Yusuke come true.

At the mark of one kilometer remaining, they start to race fiercely against each other in order to win the checkpoint and the red color tag given for the winner. At the end of the match, Jinpachi manages to defeat Yusuke and wins the checkpoint.

Known Results[]

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone 0
2nd Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +0"??
3rd Motonari Tatebayashi #61 Nagano Chuuou +??:??

Jinpachi thanks Yusuke for the match and states that he would not be so fast if he was not racing against him, high fiving each other. After checking the results, Sakamichi gets sad for his senior loss but Jin tells him that their difference in time were not that much, despite the previous gap of three minutes. As the climbers are returning to their respectively teams, Shingo orders Sakamichi to pull Jin and Shoukichi and get Yusuke along the way while riding as steadily as possible. After it, Shingo leaves the team with Shunsuke aswell and goes after the goal simultaneously with Hakone's ace Juichi and his assist Yasutomo.

Goal Line[]

While pulling his ace, Shunsuke thinks about how he is constantly thinking individually about winning, but this time he wants to do it for his team. He then performs an attack and leaves Hakone behind along with Shingo. The third year asks if he can keep up like this in the remaining four kilometers and he replies that as long as his senior can keep up with him he can do it.

At the mark of two kilometers and 500m remaining, the Sohoku cyclists passes Jinpachi and Yusuke who were at the front and shortly after the Hakone cyclists, wanting to go after his opponents. Yasutomo uses his insane cycling style by riding on the edge of the corners, nearly hitting the spectators and even objects close to him. Yasutomo catches up with the Sohoku's duo, but Shunsuke attacks once again in an attempt to leave them behind. At the mark of two kilometers remaining, Yasutomo once again manages to approach the Sohoku cyclists. At the back, the other Sohoku and Hakone members who are behind are surprised by a single cyclist, who is going by himself after the goal.

Yasutomo attemps to break away after catching up, but Shunsuke quickly blocks his path. The Hakogaku cyclist praises his opponent's reaction and states he will not make to the goal due to his cleverness. Yasutomo attemps to get ahead of Shunsuke again, but the first year of Sohoku still manages to block him. The Hakone's third year finally manages to get ahead of Shunsuke while he is deep thinking and then challenges Shingo to fight him instead, but Shunsuke still chases after Yasutomo, more determined than before after finding his essence. Around the mark of one kilometer remaining, they ride neck and neck and Shunsuke is determined to leave his ace at the mark of 500m, as planned by Shingo. Both Shunsuke and Yasutomo ride fiercely until the mark of 500m remaining, sending their aces to the goal. The aces praise their assists good work and accelerates towards the goal.

Suddenly, while Yasutomo and Shunsuke are resting after pulling their aces, they are passed by Akira from Kyoto Fushimi. Both were surprised about his sudden appearance and Shunsuke goes after him and not letting his opponent reach Shingo. After spotting the aces, Akira tells Shunsuke that to win the race all that is necessary is thinking about the victory for everything that is done. Shunsuke tells he will not be able to catch up to the aces since they have only 250m left, but Akira removes a line that was around his hand, letting him change the gears of his bike. Akira then proceeds on changing them and accelerates towards Shingo and Juichi, leaving Shunsuke and Yasutomo who was after them behind.

Akira catches up with Shingo and Juichi at the mark of 150m remaining. The two of them perform an attack to leave him behind, but Akira starts to perform his dancing and then catches up with them once again at the mark of 100m remaining. They get neck and neck and in the end the three of them manages to tie in first place, an unprecedented event that solidifies the three strongest teams in this race. Eventually, Yasutomo and Shunsuke crossed the line in fourth and fifth and the other cyclists aswell started to cross the first day's goal line. It is known that out of the 126 participants, at least 79 of them managed to cross the goal in time for the second day.

Known Results[]

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone 0
1st Shingo Kinjou #171 Sohoku 0
1st Akira Midousuzi #91 Kyoto Fushimi 0
4th Yasutomo Arakita #2 Hakone +1:40
5th Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku +1:55
6th Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone +3:40
7th Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku +3:40
8th Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +3:40
9th Shoukichi Naruko #174 Sohoku +3:40
10th Hayato Shinkai #4 Hakone +3:40
11th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +3:40
12th Touichirou Izumida #5 Hakone +3:40
13th Jin Tadokoro #172 Sohoku +3:40
79th Takeshi Daitsubu #23 Nara Sanri +??:??

At their tent, the Sohoku first years are tired and shaking from all the effort of the first day, Jin shows them how their efforts did pay off by having their team placing first at the podium. He tells them to engrave it on their eyes and that on the final day, only the Sohoku team will be on the podium. Jin then goes after the podium to get his green colored tag as a prize for winning the sprint checkpoint. He gets the microphone from the announcer and challenges the other cyclists to take the green tag out of him in tomorrow's race.

Yusuke explains to Sakamichi about the color tag's meanings of pride and advantage in races of making the whole team looking stronger as the proof of the cyclist's strength. Shortly after, Jinpachi goes to the stage and gets his mountain color tag, asking Yusuke to get to the stage with him saying that color tag belonged to both of them. Lately Sangaku and Jinpachi goes after Sakamichi and the Hakone's third year thank him for managing to let Yusuke challenge him in the first day. He also praises the Sohoku's first year skills and leaves him flattered. In the end, Jinpachi warns Sakamichi to rest properly and prepare for the next day, as tomorrow will be a harsher day for them since the strongest team was not decided yet given the draw of the goal.

Somewhere else, Jin calls Yusuke and the Sohoku climber meets his teammate on the ground and hidden from the others, letting him know of his sickness right after the race. Jin asks Yusuke to not tell anyone in the team, so it could not shake their morale after the first placement they managed to get. Jin then asks Yusuke to help him get somewhere out of their sight so he could try to recover. After doing it Yusuke returns to the team and pretends nothing happened. Shunsuke is still regretting for not being able to stop Akira, but Shingo approaches him and thanks him for his hardwork that helped Sohoku place first, making the first year relax more about it.

At night, the Hakone regulars are reunited and they organize the strategy for the next day, with Juichi asking the members who worked the hardest on the first day to rest their legs at the following day and letting the third year Hayato Shinkai have a bigger role. At Sohoku's place, the first years are still feeling the tireness of the first day. Shoukichi states how he usually does individual races and how the feeling of doing a team race is completely different from that, yet refreshing. In the end, both him and Sakamichi promise to also do their best on the following day. Shingo them approaches Sakamichi and tells him he has a visitor, which is revealed as his mother who decided to go with his friends from the housewives association to Hakone aswell. She interacts with the members of the club and asks them to watch over their son and asking Sakamichi to do his best for his friends during the race. She then gives some money to Shingo so they could buy something to eat and drink and them goes to the hotel where she will stay with her friends.

Second Stage[]

The Sohoku team move towards their tent. On their way to their destiny, the members are stopped by some photographers who get some pictures along with the Hakone team. While Sakamichi was preparing himself for the pictures, he drops his bottle and goes after it. Kyoto Fushimi's captain Koutarou Ishigaki grabs it and give it back to Sakamichi. He asks if he is a first year and then he reminds it was the same for him when he participated of the Inter High during his first year. While he was presenting himself, he notices the Sohoku jersey from Sakamichi and gets stunned by it. While he was remembering of Sakamichi from when he passed by them and raced Akira, the Sohoku's first year thanks Koutarou and returns to where his team is at.

Later, the cyclists start to gather at the starting line from the second day my the order they arrived in the previous day. Jin explains to Sakamichi about the special rule that the participants will start based on the exact time they finished after the cyclist who finished in first place. The race starts and the cyclists begin to leave based on their time from the last day. The three who placed on the first day are the first to leave, followed by Yasutomo and Shunsuke. After exactly three minutes and forty seconds, the rest of the Sohoku and Hakone cyclists leave the goal to chase after his teammates who were ahead of them except for Jin who was still at the starting line. He states that he wanted to give a handicap to those behind him and once again challenges whoever wants to race him, leaving right after.

The Sohoku cyclists notice Jin is not with them and want to wait for him, but Yusuke reminds of Jin's request to not wanting to hold back the team and, after seeing the situation of the other Hakone cyclists going after the leading group he decides to pull and leave his teammate behind. Shoukichi contests his decision and Yusuke explains about his condition in the previous day and what he wished for, leaving the first year speechless. Sakamichi then suggests to stay behind and pull Jin back to the team and, despite struggling at first Yusuke decides to approve the first year decision and bring him back.

Behind, Jin is struggling because of his condition. The second years Junta and Hajime tried to help him by pushing slowly, but the van asked them to get away from him in order to avoid time penalties. While thanking them for their efforts, Jin witness the pack of cyclists passing, leaving him shocked. Jin still tries to ride and sees some cyclists get ahead of him, before he ends up meeting Sakamichi. Jin asked why Sakamichi was here and he explained he got permission from Yusuke to help him. Jin gets mad at him and asks him to ho help, but he decides to go after seeing how Sakamichi is sticking to Shingo's orders of bringing the whole team together to the very end. On their way back to the team, both Sakamichi and Jin are passed by Nara Sanri's Takeshi Daitsubu, who placed in 79th on the first day and was mocking Jin for his conditons. After being left behind, Sakamichi suggests they pass him by singing a song from the anime he watches, called "Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko". Sakamichi tells the lyrics to Jin and the third year accepts his request, starting to ride along his teammate while singing. After it, they manage to overcome Takeshi and eventually many of the cyclists who got ahead of them.

At the front, all the Hakone members reunite and move towards the next goal. Shunsuke gets worried about it and is anxiously wanting his team to arrive as soon as possible. Akira approaches and mocks him saying that his team was going to unravel since they put much effort in yesterday races. Shunsuke argues with him about his team coming soon while Akira was lacking a plan on going by himself and leaving his team behind taking care of the pack, but shortly after all the members of Kyoto Fushimi manages to catch up with them. Akira them mocks once again Shunsuke about his situation and chases after Hakone with the rest of his team, leaving the Sohoku cyclist frustrated after hearing that two of his members got behind the pack. Momentarily, Shunsuke stops pedaling and shows his frustration to Shingo. The ace then tries to comfort his teammate, making him return to the bicycle and chasing once again at the leading group. Eventually, Yusuke and Shoukichi catch up with them and the four Sohoku cyclists keep going towards their objective of catching up with the Hakone and Kyoto Fushimi cyclists at the front.

Sprinters Checkpoint[]

The Kyoto Fushimi team catches up with Hakone who went ahead after gathering all the members. Akira then starts to mock their opponents, aswell as the Sohoku members for their terrible situation on the second day. Touichirou then unzips his jersey and says that his lack of respect for their opponents is deplorable, asking them to send their fastest sprinter and that he will leave them far behind and achieve an overwhelming victory. Akira mocks him by recognizing him as the one who lost to the weak Sohoku member on the previous day, but Touichirou acknowledges Jin skills and praises his overall capability as a sprinter. Akira still says that despite winning a color tag he still fell behind and it was probably a miracle that he managed to win once.

Akira keeps provoking Touichirou and the Hakone sprinter challenges him to a sprint battle, so they can settle this discussion of them. After the Kyoto Fushimi cyclist accepts his challenge and stare at him, his pectoral muscles reacted and Touichirou quickly zipped his jersey, fearing his opponent's intimidating aura. The third year Hayato Shinkai approaches Touichirou and tells him to calm down, saying he is getting much excited and if he rides by his emotions, he will ruin his pacing. His senior gives him a power bar and challenges Akira instead as the teams ace sprinter, letting Touichirou calm himself and continue to pull the team. The two of them move towards the first checkpoint of the second day.

Elsewhere, the Kumamoto Daiichi team chases after the lead and they meet the four cyclists from Sohoku. Their captain, Yoshiaki Taura, mocks Shoukichi for his size, annoying the Sohoku first year. Shoukichi asks Shunsuke to pull instead since his legs are tired from pulling for much time, but Shunsuke demonstrates also being tired. Yoshiaki keeps mocking the whole team for falling apart and says that their first placement in the previous day was sheer luck. Shoukichi denies they are falling apart, but Yoshiaki reveals that they are to the point of even Sakamichi and Jin having a hard time at the pack of the cyclists. Because of that information, they got excited instead for the fact they managed to get to the pack, which surprised Yoshiaki for expecting the opposite. Yoshiaki decides to ride seriously and leave them behind, going after Kyoto Fushimi and Hakone. Shingo then decides to pull the team to let Shoukichi rest, surprising the first years who state that he is supposed to rest his legs for the goal. Shingo them tells them that if there is something that need to be done in order to keep fighting then it must be done even it means that the ace needs to pull the team. With Shingo's powerful pulling, they quickly catch up with Kumamoto's team and leave them behind.

At the front, the two cyclist keep moving towards their objective and Akira is constantly provoking Hayato while racing against him. The Hakone cyclist does not mind his provocations and keeps attacking, constantly being caught up by his opponent and them attacking again. Lately, Akira mocks Hayato by asking about the hare Hayato ran over in the last year, which caused him a trauma strong enough to make him resign from his participation at the previous Inter High. Hayato gets impressed by Akira's research and returns to attack, but the Kyoto Fushimi cyclist then manages to overcome his opponent and get ahead of him. Akira then provokes Hayato by only letting him overtake him on the left, as Hayato avoided doing it because on the ray he ran over the hare it was by doing it. Hayato tries to pass on his opponent's right side, but Akira keeps blocking his path and only leaving his left side open.

After some thinking, Hayato decides to overcome his fear in order to help his teammates and activiates his demon mode, where he rides fiercely without thinking about nothing but the victory. He then manages to pass Akira by the left side and start to go by himself after the victory. Akira gets surprised by the fact his plan did not work and decides to ride seriously against Hayato, taking off the limiters he put on his legs and going at full power after the sprinter checkpoint. They get neck and neck at the mark of 100m and ride fiercely towards their goal. When Hayato was about to win because his bicycle was ahead of Akira due to his dancing, the Kyoto Fushimi cyclist throws his bike at the front and manages to win the sprinter checkpoint of the second day. The results shocked the other cyclists from Hakone, who were not expecting Hayato to loss. Lately, both the Hakone and Kyoto Fushimi cyclists pass for the checkpoint line to catch up with the two who got ahead.

Known Results[]

     First Stage Sprinter Checkpoint Winner      First Stage Climber Checkpoint Winner      First Stage Goal Winner

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Akira Midousuzi #91 Kyoto Fushimi 0
2nd Hayato Shinkai #4 Hakone +0"02
3rd Koutarou Ishigaki #92 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
4th Touichirou Izumida #5 Hakone +??:??
4th Tomoya Ihara #93 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
6th Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone +??:??
7th Noriyuki Yamaguchi #94 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
8th Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +??:??
9th Nobuyuki Mizuta #95 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
10th Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone +??:??
11th Akihisa Tsuji #96 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
12th Yasutomo Arakita #2 Hakone +??:??
13th Shingo Kinjou #171 Sohoku +??:??
14th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +??:??
15th Shoukichi Naruko #174 Sohoku +??:??
16th Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku +??:??
17th-22nd Yoshikari Taura #52 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
17th-22nd Shinya Ise #53 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
17th-22nd Masayuki Fujiwara #54 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
17th-22nd ????? #56 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
17th-22nd ????? #55 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
17th-22nd ????? #51 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
23rd Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku +??:??
24th Jin Tadokoro #172 Sohoku +??:??

Climbers Checkpoint[]

On their way to the second checkpoint of the day, the Kyoto Fushimi cyclists as well as the Hakone ones get their supplies from their supporting team. At the supply spot, the supporting team of Sohoku is worried about them seeing how wide their gap got compared to the two teams ahead. Them the Sohoku team arrives at third place, with their ace Shingo pulling the team. Junta and the others give them the supplies and the second year asks them to catch up with the leaders, which Shingo positively replies.

Behind them, the Kumamoto team keep going after them and they are surprised by Jin and Sakamichi, who managed to catch up with them. Their second year, Shinya Ise, is worried about the two cyclists who did stick with them for a long time so far and Yoshiaki tells his teammate to not worry, since they will enter the climb section and they will struggle as they were already breathing hard during the flats. However, the Kumamoto members notice Sakamichi smiling and they get shocked by it, wondering why he is smiling.

Sakamichi apologizes to Jin for being unable to raise the pace so far because of the flats and Jin tells him to not worry and that now he can do it since it is a climb. Sakamichi then raises his speed and pulls quickly Jin, leaving the Kumamoto Daiichi cyclists behind shocked for not knowing he was a climber. While climbing, Jin finally manages to recover completely and they keep singing until they manage to catch up with the rest of the team. With their arrival, the whole team gets surprised and celebrates their return, as now all the six of them are together. Sakamichi is praised by all of them, including Jin who explained that he did pull him all the way until the point they are at the moment. They start to fiercely chase after the two teams at the front.

At the front, the Hakone team is scattered after Hayato's defeat. Touichirou is frustrated for having the senior he always admired losing a battle against Akira, and the Kyoto Fushimi's first year keep mocking them after that defeat. Touichirou tries to fight back his offenses towards them, but he is stopped by Juichi, claiming that the results are everything. While Touichirou sinks into his frustrations, Akira orders his team to begin the "Phase 13", which scares all his teammates. The third year Koutarou states they still have to move to the "Phase 10" and that it is too early for that, but Akira tells him that they will skip them and use the opportunity to ultimately destroy Hakone. They them accelerate while leaving the sprinters Tomoya Ihara and Noriyuki Yamaguchi behind. They are forced to retire because of it and Koutarou feels bad for leaving them behind after their hard work pulling the team before. Touichirou gets surprised and Akira states that it is a common sense in races to leave what is unnecessary behind. Juichi agrees with his words and chases after Akira with Jinpachi pulling him, which shocked even more Touichirou for being left behind.

After keeping up with the Kyoto Fushimi members who got ahead, Akira praised Juichi and Jinpachi for leaving their teammates behind and stated that if they do not have this type of mindset they will never win, and that their colored tags are enough proof of it. At the mark of 12km remaining and 2km until the climbers checkpoint, Akira challenges Jinpachi to race for the Inter High's second red tag. He them mocks his opponent for being unable to do it, since he is pulling the ace by himself. As they were getting close to the checkpoint, Akira went off his team momentarily and rushed towards it, winning the red tag and his third color tag in a row.

Known Results[]

     First Stage Sprinter Checkpoint Winner      First Stage Climber Checkpoint Winner      First Stage Goal Winner

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Akira Midousuzi #91 Kyoto Fushimi 0
2nd Akihisa Tsuji #96 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
3rd Nobuyuki Mizuta #95 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
4th Koutarou Ishigaki #92 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
5th Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +??:??
6th Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone +??:??
7th Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone +??:??
8th Touichirou Izumida #5 Hakone +??:??
9th Yasutomo Arakita #2 Hakone +??:??
10th Hayato Shinkai #4 Hakone +??:??
11th-16th Shingo Kinjou #171 Sohoku +??:??
11th-16th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +??:??
11th-16th Shoukichi Naruko #174 Sohoku +??:??
11th-16th Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku +??:??
11th-16th Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku +??:??
11th-16th Jin Tadokoro #172 Sohoku +??:??

Because of their row of victories, the spectators started to fervently for Kyoto Fushimi, as now the crown is being passed to them. Koutarou gets surprised and starts to think Akira's way of winning may be right, since on the previous year they only managed to place in ninth overall and now they are managing to even defeat the prestigious Hakone, all thanks to his strategies and skills. After the victory, Akira scolds Koutarou for spacing out and decides to activate the "Phase 14" of his strategy, speeding up towards the second day's goal and leaving the remaining Hakone cyclists behind.

Goal Line[]

During their attack, Jinpachi manages to catch up to the four cyclists of Kyoto Fushimi and Akira keeps mocking them for their meaningless chase. Koutarou asks him to stop and wants to talk with Juichi, which Akira agrees. Koutarou asks Juichi why they are chasing them and he replies that it is to win. Koutarou them points all the advantage factors Kyoto Fushimi has at the race and affirms Hakone can not win, making Juichi wonder why would he think about it. After Koutarou replies it was because he left his comrades behind stating they were unnecessary. Juichi then corrects Koutarou by stating he agreed with what Akira said, but that he never did consider them unnecessary.

Behind them, Touichirou notices Yasutomo and Hayato's heads down and thought they were frustrated. The second year then tries to cheer up his seniors, but Yasutomo ends up asking how he can talk so loud on the heat and that he is very tired from pulling Hayato, who was resting after the race. After Hayato's recovery, they organize themselves and ride after the leading group and manage to reach them later. Yasutomo argues with Juichi for his rough orders while leaving them behind and not putting everything in order, and the Hakone's ace replies that he needed to do it to keep Kyoto Fushimi in check and that he knew they would catch up with them.

Nobuyuki gets desperate with Hakone regrouping and leaves his team, attempting to ride by himself towards the goal. Akira stops him and tells him that the fact they managed to reunite was also one of the situations he did simulate that could happen. Juichi and Akira talk with each other about the current situation of both them and Akira tells him that they can decide at the goal if either Hakone or him is the king. Juichi denies his statement and tells him that there is one more team attempting to claim the title. As he says it, the six members of Sohoku manages to catch up with them, surprising Akira who was not expecting them to regroup after everything they went through.

The cyclists from both Hakone and Sohoku start to accelerate in order to catch up to the goal, changing everytime the members pulling along the way. When the aces and assists are about to leave their teams, Nobuyuki blocks Yasutomo path and surprises all the Hakone members. It was the "Phase 49" from Akira's strategies, which he decided to apply because of the unforeseen events. Yasutomo attempts to get Nobuyuki out of his way, but the Kyoto Fushimi's cyclist insists on keeping him in check. During their struggle, Koutarou advances while pulling Akira after Shingo and Imaizumi, who went ahead. Before leaving, Akira mocks Juichi by telling how his assistant is tired to the point of Nobuyuki being capable of pulling him and Juichi agrees, telling that was the reason why he changed the assist on the second day and ordered Yasutomo to assist him before the goal. At the end of the climb, Hayato moves out of the team and goes after Juichi, who summons him to pull him to the goal. After noticing Hayato was the real assist, Akira desperately orders Koutarou to ride at full speed.

Hayato catches up with Juichi and quickly chases after the two cyclists of Kyoto Fushimi, catching up with them in fifteen seconds. Akira desperately orders Koutarou to ride even faster and his assist manages to reach the Sohoku cyclists who got ahead, getting neck and neck with them. In the mark of twenty seconds, Hayato manages to catch up with all of them and declares he will not lose to Akira and Sohoku. During the downhill, Akira intentionally bumps into Shunsuke, but the Sohoku cyclist bumps himself into the guardrail to keep his balance and quickly catches up with Shingo, returning to assist him towards the goal. Akira then decides to discard all of the phases he had left of his strategies and decides to go in an all out battle with Sohoku and Hakone.

The six of them keep riding fiercely during many kilometers, until Koutarou loses his balance and slides out of the line of cyclists. When he was about to fall, Akira grabs his teammate and orders him to keep pulling for more 250m, avoiding him from crashing. Koutarou recovers the time lost and quickly catches up and gets ahead of the other four cyclists. They then catch up with him and they ride neck and neck until they are close to the second turn, which is the place they are supposed to send their ace. However, right before they reach the turn, Koutarou sends off Akira after riding for 250m and the Kyoto Fushimi's ace ride fiercely towards the goal. He turns the second turn in an extreme angle which gives him an advantage of four seconds, surprising even the spectators. Behind them, Shunsuke and Hayato sends their aces after the turn and both Shingo and Juichi chase after Akira.

They manage to catch up with him at the mark of 500m remaining, but Akira once agains accelerates and leaves them behind, surprising his two opponents with his strong desire for victory. At the mark of 250m remaining, Akira extends his arms and declares his victory, surprising the spectators. He then accelerates at full speed and start to feel his legs not moving and the other two cyclists took the opportunity to approach from him. Akira insists on riding with everything to win the second day and as he was excitedly chattered his teeth together, one of them cracked and made him lose his focus, being passed by Juichi and Shingo near the goal. In the end Juichi managed to win the second day and defeat his opponent.

Known Results[]

     First Stage Sprinter Checkpoint Winner      First Stage Climber Checkpoint Winner      First Stage Goal Winner

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone 0
2nd Shingo Kinjou #171 Sohoku +??:??
3rd Akira Midousuzi #91 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
4th Hayato Shinkai #4 Hakone +??:??
5th Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku +??:??
6th Koutarou Ishigaki #92 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
7th Touichirou Izumida #5 Hakone +??:??
8th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +??:??
9th Yasutomo Arakita #2 Hakone +??:??
10th Jin Tadokoro #172 Sohoku +??:??
11th Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone +??:??
12th Shoukichi Naruko #174 Sohoku +??:??
13th Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku +??:??
14th Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +??:??
15th Nobuyuki Mizuta #95 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
16th Akihisa Tsuji #96 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
17th-18th Ishida #13? Yohoku +??:??
17th-18th ????? #13? Yohoku +??:??
19th-21st Yoshikari Taura #52 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
19th-21st Shinya Ise #53 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
19th-21st Masayuki Fujiwara #54 Kumamoto Daiichi +??:??
22nd ????? #22 Nara Sanri +??:??
46th Yamauchi #10? Hokkaido Obihiro +??:??
47th Yasuyuki Shibata #112 Kanazawa Misaki +??:??

After their race, Juichi cries and talks with Shingo about finally managing to defeat him fairly and square after the incident he caused on him in the previous Inter High where he grabbed him on his jersey and made both of them crash, injuring the Sohoku cyclist. Shingo praises his opponent and tells him that he will not lose on the following day. At Kyoto Fushimi's tent, Akira throws his bike at the club tent's ground and gets in the corner, traumatized after his loss.

The others finally arrive at the goal and notice the Hakone members celebrating the victory, finding out about their victory over Shingo and Akira. Shunsuke approaches his teammates and apologizes for the loss by centimeters and Jin and Yusuke try to cheer him by stating they are only a few centimeters far from Hakone. They go inside the tent and notice Shingo being treated by Junta, as he was feeling some pain on his knee for overdoing it on that second day. While the others are trying to take it easy, Shoukichi gets frustated for losing after working so hard. Sakamichi is also worried about Shingo's condition and asks him if he will be able to race in the next day, but before he gets his answer Yusuke asks the three first years to go with him outside.

The four of them go at the outside area of the goal line, checking the cyclists who ride fiercely towards it. Yusuke asks them why do they think that they are riding so desperate, despite not being able to win it. Sakamichi suggests it is to get in a higher place than the others as high as possible and to start earlier on the following day so they can catch up with the others, but Yusuke tells that he is not quite right and that they will be riding over the corpses on the next day. As Yusuke explains that they do not have all the time in the world and they have a limit of 40 mins after the first person crosses the goal, the three first years witness two cyclists not being able to finish right before the goal, with the staff raising the white flag showing they reached the time limit. Yusuke then replies to Shoukichi that he is indeed frustrated and that he will use it as energy source for tomorrow's race, instead of not managing to like many others who were not qualified for the third day. He also replies Sakamichi that Shingo will definetly race in the third day and that he knows about it more than anyone.

Then the first years go to the podium and check Juichi raising the bouquet of victory, while Shingo gets on the second place and Akira does not show up on the third place and the color tag awards. Yusuke goes to the tent and meets Jin, who offers him a water bottle and he denies, stating that he is tired to the point of not being able to even lift his arm. While leaving the stage, Shingo thinking about being able to race tomorrow, even if it means not to ride as the team's ace.

At night, Akira reveals to his team that he will not participate of the third day, shocking all of them. Koutarou tries to cheer him up by even showing him the color tags he won in the second day and even begs him to participate, but Akira does not change his mind and leaves the building they are with his bicycle. On his way to Kyoto, Akira ends up meeting Sakamichi who was going to the pharmacy to buy some tapes and sprays for his captain. Sakamichi tries to talk with him about anime, while Akira avoids and even accelerates to not interact with him. Due to Sakamichi's persistence, Akira challenges him to a race to the pharmacy and if he wins they can talk about anime. During their race, Akira gets surprised at how Sakamichi smiles during races and how he is able to ride even better when smiling. He also thinks about the reason why he is racing with Sakamichi and what he is trying to prove. In the end, Sakamichi loses to Akira and the Kyoto Fushimi cyclist asks him the reason behind his smile, which Sakamichi replies that when he rides he enjoys so much that he can not help but smile, specially when he is doing it with his friends. Akira then thinks about how gross it is and reminds him of his childhood, when his late mother stated how much he smiles when he is riding a bike. The Kyoto Fushimi them leaves the pharmacy, surprising Sakamichi who thought he was also going to buy something there. At the place that the Hakone team is resting, Jinpachi notices Sangaku's bike is missing and thinks about his freshman not being able to contain himself when it is about mountains, specially because on the third day they will face the biggest climb of this Inter High. Sangaku is seem in a mountain, excited about climbing it.

Third Stage[]

The Sohoku team and the others who manages to advance to the third and final stage move towards the starting line. Moments before the beginning of the race, The third year and ace of Hiroshima Kureminami Eikichi Machimiya approaches Miki and starts flirting with her, asking her to hang out with him after his team wins the Inter High. Miki rejects Eikichi and tells it is impossible, given the difference in time from the two teams at the front if compared with the others. Eikichi praises her knowledge overall and states how lucky he is and the fact that he managed to go to the third day with all the members of his team, a feat that was done only by Sohoku and Hakone on this Inter High.

Eikichi then goes to the starting line and begins to interact with Shingo and Juichi, grabbing his hands and stating that he is stealing their luck "stars" for himself. Yasutomo gets annoyed at Eikichi, but Juichi tells him to stop and that he does not believe in such a thing. When Eikichi was about to leave, Sakamichi who was worried about his aura tries to tell him that Sohoku will do their best, but he ends up falling of his bike instead. Sakamichi then tells Eikichi what he wanted to and the Kureminami's ace replies how unlucky he is for falling before the start of the race. At the end, Eikichi asks what is most important in a road race and Sakamichi replies it is a bicycle to ride, which surprises Eikichi and makes him laugh. Eikichi then tells Sakamichi to do his best and goes to the place where his team is.

Five minutes before the start, Koutarou gets worried about Akira not coming to the starting line and decides to leave his bicycle with Nobuyuki and try to look for him. Koutarou keeps looking for him everywhere before the start, until Akira meets him while riding his bicycle and with his hair shaved, also wearing the two color tags he earned on the previous day. Akira asks him to wait at the starting line, since he will be his assist and Koutarou apologizes, in joy for seeing his teammate back.

At the starting line, the third year from Hakone Jinpachi was about to comfort Sangaku due to the third day's pressure, but he finds out his junior sleeping while standing on his bike, surprising him. Sangaku wakes up and asks what he wanted to say, and Jinpachi replies that he is really brave for sleeping at this point of the Inter High. Yasutomo tells him to not sleep and Sangaku tells he was concentrating in order to ride at his best condition, shocking his teammates. Akira finally arrives at the stating line and the third day starts, with the three who placed better on the second day leaving first and then followed by their three assists lately.

The other members of both Sohoku and Hakone leaves after some minutes and they decide to cooperate in order to catch up with the front, with the sprinters from both teams accelerating and replacing each other to go after the six people at the leading group. Behind them, the pack of cyclists leave the starting line and Eikichi summons all of them, suggesting they work together to catch up with the front and accelerate with all their power, while changing with the other sprinters and resting behind them. Due to it, they manage to catch up with many cyclists who were ahead of them, such as the three cyclists of Kumamoto Daiichi and Nobuyuki and Akihisa from Kyoto Fushimi. As they were swallowing the other cyclists ahead, Eikichi was convincing them to join their cause and make them also accelerate towards their targets.

After some struggle, they managed to catch up with the Sohoku and Hakone members who were working together to go after the leading group, surprising them. Yasutomo decides to stay behind and control the pack, while Sakamichi and Sangaku ended up being swallowed by it and the rest went ahead. Shoukichi tries to convince his seniors to wait for Sakamichi, but they deny his request as this is the last day and if they do it they will end up losing after everything they went through. At the pack, Yoshiaki from Kumamoto Daiichi talks with Sakamichi about the pack leader and during it Eikichi reveals he never pretended to work together with his opponents and left the pack along with all his members after the leaders. Frustrated, the cyclists noticed that not a single member of the Hiroshima Kureminami did pull the pack and that they could not do anything anymore as they were all tired from pulling with all their power. The six members of Hiroshima manages to catches up with the remaining members of Sohoku and Hakone who were not caught by the pack and them managed to pass them, chasing after the leading group by themselves.

At the pack, Sakamichi looks for anyone who could cooperate with him to go after his teammates, but everyone was tired from pulling except for Yasutomo and Sangaku. Despite being scared of him, Sakamichi asked him to cooperate with him and Yasutomo denied at first, but lately he was convinced by the Sohoku's cyclist will and decided to work together with him and also bring Sangaku back to the team. The three of them worked together and eventually managed to reach his teammates who were still cooperating, but instead of staying with them Yasutomo decides to chase after Hiroshima. After reaching them, Eikichi gets shocked for seeing Yasutomo again after being swallowed by the pack and orders his teammates to accelerate more and leave them behind, but the Hakone cyclist easily keeps up with them.

Hiroshima's third year Ryo Ibitani then proposes a race to the trio that the team that gets behind the other by a difference of 20m will give up on chasing the leading group. Yasutomo accepts and Hiroshima races with their three sprinters, the first year Sondai Higashimura, Ryo Ibitani and the ace Eikichi Machimiya. Eikichi accelerates and opens a distance of 10m between them, but Yasutomo accelerates and keep up with their opponents. During his talk with Yasutomo, Eikichi reveals to them that he made a deal with Akira of cooperating during the third day and then he headbutts his opponent, surprising Sakamichi and Sangaku. While accelerating, Eikichi keeps mocking Yasutomo and stating his hatred towards Hakone due to the incident on the second day from the previous Inter High which Eikichi asked Juichi for a bottle since his two ones broke and he denied as he needed them aswell, resulting in Eikichi's loss. Yasutomo and Eikichi keep attacking and clashing with each other, until Yasutomo starts to sympathize with the Hiroshima's ace, since he reminds of his old violent self. He reveals how to Eikichi he understood how he felt and that he was just like this, hanging on what is already done and taking it in other people. In the end, Yasutomo advises Eikichi that if he did look forward with everything he had, he would be someone powerful enough to reckon with and accelerates. Eikichi tries to chase after him, but Yasutomo offers to drink together with him after the race and that he will treat him with a bepsi, reaching then the distance of twenty meters between them and winning the race. Ryo wants to ignore the rules and keep chasing after them, but Eikichi tells him to stop and orders the whole team to regroup and ride easily towards the goal.

Lately, Yasutomo brings Sakamichi and Sangaku to the leading group and the other members of Sohoku and Hakone pass Hiroshima and catches up with them. Koutarou gets afraid of their situation since Hiroshima did not catch up with them yet and all his opponents members are together, and Akira said it is fine and that their numbers will not matter, as one by one they will destroy each other and one by one start to fall apart. So, the fierce battle towards the final day's victory finally begins.

Sprinters Checkpoint[]

At the mark of 1.5km remaining, Hayato leaves his team while pulling Juichi and goes by themselves after the goal. On Sohoku's side, Jin does the same with Shingo and catches up with them. The other members also catch up to them eventually and Yasutomo asks Hayato to switch places with him and begins to pull them with all the power he has left, putting them ahead of Sohoku and eventually dropping out close to the sprinter checkpoint's line after using everything he had. As Hayato started to pull the Hakone's team right after his teammate leaves the group, he crosses the checkpoint first and manages to win the third and last green tag. He is followed by the other Hakone cyclists behind him, as well as the six Sohoku cyclists and the two Kyoto Fushimi ones.

Known Results[]

     Day 2 Sprinter Checkpoint Winner      Day 2 Climber Checkpoint Winner      Day 2 Goal Line Winner

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Hayato Shinkai #4 Hakone 0
2nd Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone +??:??
3rd Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +??:??
4th Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone +??:??
5th Touichirou Izumida #5 Hakone +??:??
6th Jin Tadokoro #172 Sohoku +??:??
7th Shingo Kinjou #171 Sohoku +??:??
8th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +??:??
9th Shoukichi Naruko #174 Sohoku +??:??
10th Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku +??:??
11th Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku +??:??
12th Koutarou Ishigaki #92 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
13th Akira Midousuzi #91 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??

Sakamichi regrets Yasutomo dropping out and asks them if both Sohoku and Hakone were supposed to go together after the goal. After Shunsuke's explanation about how the Inter High works and that eventually both teams will have members being left behind while one individual attemps to win the race, Sakamichi decides to give his best in order to make his team win. Shunsuke and Shoukichi also gets excited and they pull together the whole team. Sakamichi also decides to pull and switch places with the two of them, surprising their seniors and reassuring their confidence in Sohoku's victory. Thanks to the hardwork of the three first-years, they managed to catch up with Hakone.

After their feat, Juichi orders Touichirou to pull the team and the second year does it with all his power, putting once again your team at the front and then also dropping out of the race. Before leaving the team, he entrusts them to the senior he admires the most, Shinkai, who said he could count with it. When the Sohoku first years were about to pull again in order to catch up with Hakone once again, Jin stops them and tells the three of them that they did well. Shingo them orders the three first years to pick up with them, as both him and Jin will pull them after Hakone. While seeing their backs, Shoukichi and Shunsuke are frustrated for thinking they are not strong enough, but Sakamichi instead thinks the third years want them to watch after their backs and get stronger.

They eventually manage to catch up with Hakone and Juichi orders Hayato to go at full power. To catch up with Hakone for a third time, Jin decides to pull the team by himself. Jin manages to catch up with Hakone and ride neck and neck with Hayato until the mark of 200m remaining to the mountan section, dropping out of the team after putting them at the best placement possible. After reaching the beginning of the mountain section, Hayato also drops out of his team and right after Jinpachi and Sangaku advances to pull Juichi.

Climbers Checkpoint[]

While Hakone is going ahead, Shingo start to feel an extreme pain in his knee and is not able to continue to ride on the Inter High. As his final duty, he orders the first years to go to with Yusuke and to bring their jersey to the goal faster than anyone else, not caring of whoever do it.

In order to catch up with Hakone, Shoukichi performs a climb technique he learnt during his preparations for the Inter High, surprising both his teammates and spectators because he is supposed to be a sprinter afterall. While pulling his team, Shoukichi begins to get tunnel-visioned (a sign of altitude sickness), until he can no longer see and grazes a side flag. His teammates notices and he asks them to stay back, as well as Sakamichi to guide him by telling to which side he should move. Lately, Shoukichi finally manages to catch up with Hakone and ends up dropping out of the race. Meanwhile, Koutarou from Kyoto Fushimi also drops out behind the Sohoku and Hakone cyclists after pulling Akira by himself, leaving his ace alone as the team's sole rider with chances of fighting for the victory.

After catching up with Hakone, Juichi asks to the Sohoku members who will their ace now that Shingo retired. Shunsuke promptly takes the ace role, since Yusuke can not as he will be constantly marked by Jinpachi. Shunsuke challenges Juichi and both Jinpachi and Yusuke start pulling their respective teams. Later, Yusuke manages to get ahead of Jinpachi and Juichi asks his teammate to get back, while advancing by himself to test Shunsuke's skills. Shunsuke quickly manages to catch up with Juichi and they both returned to the teams, who are pulling them towards the goal.

At the mark of 15km remaining, Shunsuke leaves his team and goes by himself after the goal. Juichi attemps to stop by him by ordering Jinpachi to get in Shunsuke's way, but Yusuke quickly gets on his way and blocks his opponent's pursuit. Juichi then is forced to chase after Shunsuke by himself and every time the Hakone's ace managed to catch up with him, Shunsuke did another attack which left Juichi behind. While their battle is ongoing, Akira manages to catch up with the other four cyclists who were behind them. Yusuke tries to stop Akira, but he is tired from pulling the team and also blocking Jinpachi, leaving him incapable of doing it. Jinpachi then sends Sangaku after Akira and Yusuke sends Sakamichi later to stop the Kyoto Fushimi's cyclist.

While Sakamichi is on his way to catch up with them, Akira and Sangaku test each other and show their skills and they also make a deal that they will race after the person who is in second place and whoever loses will let the winner takes the goal. Sakamichi finally catches up with them and he declares that he will stop Akira, following the orders of Yusuke. Akira gets surprised and then proceeds by doing another attack, who is lately caught up by Sakamichi and his high cadence. Meanwhile, Shunsuke manages to reach the climber checkpoint and win the second part of the third stage, followed by Juichi. When the three behind them were close to the checkpoint, Sakamichi ends up leaving the road after pushing himself too much and attemps to catch up with the other two, who crossed the checkpoint right after. After Sakamichi, Yusuke and Jinpachi also manages to cross the checkpoint eventually.

Known Results[]

     Day 2 Sprinter Checkpoint Winner      Day 2 Climber Checkpoint Winner      Day 2 Goal Line Winner

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku 0
2nd Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone +??:??
3rd Akira Midousuzi #91 Kyoto Fushimi +??:??
4th Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone +??:??
5th Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku +??:??
6th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +??:??
7th Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +??:??

Sakamichi manages to catch up with them and the three cyclists ride neck and neck. They manage to reach the goal at the same time and the promise that was done before was not applied given the results. Sakamichi goes after Shunsuke, who is a bit ahead of Juichi and apologizes immediately for his inability to hold Akira back. Shunsuke calls him silly and tells him to stop apologizing for every time he fails an objective, as he has caught up to the front, which is more important and more difficult to do.

Goal Line[]

As Akira witness Shunsuke talking with Sakamichi, he tooks the opportunity to get ahead of them and go by himself to the goal. Shunsuke quickly blocks Akira and points his opponent became predictable. Insulted, Akira fervently consumes all of his energy bars and shoulders Shunsuke, gettign ahead of him again but Shunsuke catches up and shoulder-nudges him back, knowing he has very little strength. The two of them keeping attacking and chasing each other until Shunsuke hears his frame cracks. Despite the crack, Shunsuke is still capable of keep going and so he does while fighting the Kyoto Fushimi cyclist. Later, Akira finally starts to get tired from riding by himself and attacking many times and he ends up falling outside of the road unconsciously, ending up being dropped out of the race.

Despite his victory towards his opponent, Shunsuke is surprised by Juichi and Sangaku who passed by Sakamichi and chased after the two who were ahead. The Hakone's ace decide to send the climber after the goal instead of him and Shunsuke ends up falling back, unable to continue at full strength due to his damaged frame. Sakamichi finally manages to catch up with him and Shunsuke asks him to go ahead and win the race for their team. Sakamichi then follow his teammate's wish and chases Sangaku.

After catching up with his opponent, they start to ride fiercely towards the goal and Sakamichi manages to win for half a wheel, officially dethroning Hakone's dominance of the race and achieving victory for the Sohoku team for the first time. They are followed by Juichi and Jinpachi, who managed to unite with his ace and work together with him to ride after the two ahead. Jinpachi ends up placing in third and Juichi in fourth place. Yusuke, who eventually caught up with Shunsuke, also started to work together with the first year and they placed in fifth and sixth place respectively.

Final Known Results[]

     Day 2 Sprinter Checkpoint Winner      Day 2 Climber Checkpoint Winner      Day 2 Goal Line Winner

Place Name Number Team Time
1st Sakamichi Onoda #176 Sohoku WINNER
2nd Sangaku Manami #6 Hakone 0
3rd Jinpachi Toudou #3 Hakone +1:02
4th Juichi Fukutomi #1 Hakone +1:23
5th Yusuke Makishima #173 Sohoku +1:41
6th Shunsuke Imaizumi #175 Sohoku +1:42

Sakamichi and Sangaku rides side-by-side, but they are too tired to even muster a hand shake. As they bumped each other final time before collapsing into the support team of their respective schools.

As the main contestants for the goal finally crossed it, the other participants who were behind started to go after the goal at the best placement possible so they can have a good numbering at the next year. It is known that Hayato Shinkai managed to finish the race, keeping the prize of the Sprinter checkpoint for himself. It is implied that Akihisa and Nobuyuki from Kyoto Fushimi managed to finish the Inter High, as well as Yoshiaki and Shinya from Kumamoto Daiichi. Because of their desire to work together even with injured members from the crash on the first day, the whole Hiroshima team managed to reach the goal as the 16th overall team. Despite their bad placement overall, they managed to perform the feat of being the only team to finish with all the members.


After the race is over, Jin thanked Junta, Hajime, Miki and Terufumi for supporting the team. Sakamichi was later swamped by reporters wanting to interview him. Shoukichi and Shingo who were at the medical tent from Lake Yamanaka far away from the goal decide to take a ride to get to the podium with the rest of the team. After reaching there, they gather with the other four and the six cyclists of Sohoku get at the podium to celebrate their victory at the Inter High. Yusuke ends up crying, surprising Jin and Shingo. The awards for Hayato and Shunsuke for winning the checkpoints from the third days were also held, giving the two cyclists their respectives color tags.
